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翻訳と辞書 辞書検索 [ 開発暫定版 ]
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soar : FOLDOC
1. State, Operator And Result. A general problem-solving production system architecture, intended as a model of human intelligence. Developed by A. Newell in the early 1980s. SOAR was originally implemented in Lisp and OPS5 and is currently implemented in Common Lisp. Version: Soar6.
E-mail: .
["The SOAR Papers", P.S. Rosenbloom et al eds, MIT Press 1993].
2. Smalltalk On A RISC. A RISC microprocessor designed by David Patterson's at Berekeley.

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翻訳と辞書 : 翻訳のためのインターネットリソース

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