SEIGO(せいご、1965年3月15日 - )は、東京都新宿区出身の俳優である。身長167cm、体重55kg。血液型はB型。 == 来歴 == 東京都新宿区歌舞伎町で産まれ、1歳8ヶ月から5歳まで単身母親の故郷、沖縄県久米島仲里村真謝村で育ち、再び歌舞伎町へ戻る。 祖父は宮良長包氏作曲「母恋し」の作詞も手掛けた仲里村、村長宇久本政元。 空手、太極拳、柔術、ヌンチャク、棒術を5歳から修練して有段者となり、15歳からキックボクシングを修練。 56期生として劇団若草へ入団 半年後に劇団所長となる八重垣緑氏に公私共にお世話になり、20才で独立後、株式会社セイゴプロジェクトを立ち上げる。 主演含む映画、舞台、テレビ作品に出演。 映画 東映[ビッグマグナム黒岩先生] 松竹富士[Vマドンナ大戦争] 東映[湘南爆走族] 舞台 東宝現代劇 名古屋名鉄ホール [積み木くずし] その他多数… 自ら書いた原作で舞台「ドリーミングラボラトリー」を中野芸能小劇場にて公演。 ドラムはクラシック奏法から学びジャズ演奏家として国内外の音楽家と共演。 様々なグループにて年間150回以上のステージ演奏活動を続ける。 画家の山下治と前衛美術としてのアプローチを主軸とした絵と音による実験演奏を銀座の画廊で実施。 前衛美術作家の団体である新象作家協会35周年式典での演奏~各地の画廊、美術館でもドラムソロ中心に活動を続け、各地のホテルや演奏会場から東京都美術館、上野恩賜公園、東京都庁前都民広場でも演奏。 セシルテイラーカルテットで活躍したドラム奏者のデニスチャールスから絶賛され海外のジャズフェスへの招待を受ける。 ドラム、パーカッション全般を扱い、オリジナル作品も作曲多数。 座右の銘は〔Keep in Jazz〕 2000年に大ブームとなったキックスケーターの乗り方や転倒時の受け身を指導してロイター、AP通信等を通じ世界66か国へ紹介され、各地にて指導を行うと共に安全基準作成調査研究委員を務めるなどNPO法人日本キックスケーター協会の会長としてボランティア活動も実施。 http://www.ksa.gr.jp/ 自らの半生を取材された内容が毎日新聞「散歩道」に掲載され、毎日新聞年間最優秀賞を受賞。 幼少から音楽、映像、乗り物に対する好奇心そのものの人生…楽しく生きていく事を信条とする。 SEIGO Biography: SEIGO is a Japanese actor, musician and producer. He was born in Kabukicho, Shinjuku city, Tokyo. From one year old and eight months, he spent his childhood at Maja, Nakazato village, Kumejima, Okinawa Prefecture and came back to Kabukicho when he was five. His grandfather, Seigen UKUMOTO was a Nakazato village mayor, writing lyrics for “Haha koishi (I miss you, Mother) composed by Choho MIYARA. SEIGO started to learn Karate, Tai Chi Chuan, Nunchaku and Bojutsu at the age of five, becoming a rank holder. Following the advice of Katsuji TOMIYAMA, he began kick boxing at the age of fifteen. After having experienced activities in Wakakusa Theater Group from sixteen years old, he established his own company “SEIGO PROJECT CO.LTD”, appearing in films (including a starring role), stage and television works. Teacher Kuroiwa, The Big Magnum The Great War V Madonna Purple Highway of Angels ~Shonan Bakusozoku~ An Executioner in School Tsumiki-kuzushi (Knocking blocks down) SEIGO wrote his original script “Dreaming Laboratory” and played it on the stage at Nakano Art Theater. At first he practiced classical style drumming and has continued to play musical sessions with both Japanese and foreign musicians, including New York jazz players. He played experimental performances with Osamu YAMASHITA (Japanese painter) in combination of picture and music, by using a way of an avant-garde art at Ginza Chikyu-do Gallaery, etc… SEIGO has been playing drum solo at various galleries and museums, including the 35th anniversary ceremony of Shinsho Fine Art Association, which is the organization of the avant-garde artists. He was also invited as a state guest to the 21st century’s first Biennale by Shanghai Art Museum. Considering the problem under diplomatic relations between Taiwan and China, he did not accept the invitation. But he has been keeping a friendly relationship with the curator and board members of Shanghai Art Museum. He formed his band “SEIGOES” and performed drum solo as leading player at hotels, concert halls, Ueno Park and in the square of Tokyo Metropolitan Government. SEIGO was the only Japanese praised by Dennis Charles, a member of Cecil Taylor Quartet and got received an invitation to jazz festival abroad. From standards to avant-garde, he collaborated with various types of singers and arranged their songs with his original style. SEIGO played with DJ Krush, Akira NISHIKINO, Shimpei INOUE, and others… He is an expert of playing drums, all kinds of percussions as well as providing exceptional sound and lighting for any event. His motto is “Keep in Jazz” In 2000, the year of great kickskater boom, SEIGO instructed users how to ride on kickskaters and how to prevent them from getting injured in case of falling down. Reuters and Associated Press distributed his activities to 66 countries. He is a chairman of NPO Japan Kickskater Association and a member of survey and research for safety standards. The story of his early life was nominated for the Year Award of The Mainichi Newspapers. SEIGO has been playing jazz with various types of musicians, producing a lot of events such as “Kindergarten Night”. His life is always filled with curiosity against music, pictures, films and vehicles. His principle is to live happily. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「SEIGO」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク