Words near each other
・ Cyrix 6x86
・ Cyrix Cx486DLC
・ Cyrix Cx486SLC
・ Cyrix Cx5x86
・ Cyrix III
・ Cyrl (ISO 15924)
・ Cyrus IMAP
・ Cyrus IMAP server
・ Cys
・ cyst carrier
・ cyst of Bartholin gland
・ cyst of bone
・ cyst of canal of Nuck
・ cyst of kidney
・ cyst of pancreas
・ cyst of papilla palatina
・ cyst of Rathke pouch
・ cyst of ureter

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cyst : ミニ英和和英辞書

嚢(のう)胞, 嚢腫, 嚢子, チステ

「 cyst 」を含む部分一致用語の検索リンク〔 112 件 〕

alveolar cyst : 肺胞性嚢胞
aneurysmal bone cyst : 脈瘤性骨嚢胞
Baker's cyst : ベイカー嚢胞
benign lymphoepithelial cyst : 良性リンパ上皮性嚢胞
Bochdalek duct cyst : ボホダレク管嚢胞
bone cyst : 骨嚢腫(胞)
branchial cyst : 鰓溝性嚢胞
bronchial cyst : 気管支嚢胞
bronchogenic cyst : 気管支嚢胞
calcifying epithelial odontogenic cyst : 歯原性石灰化上皮嚢胞
calcifying odontogenic cyst : 石灰化歯原性嚢胞
calyceal cyst : 腎杯嚢胞(腫)
cervical cyst : 頚部嚢胞
congenital choledochal cyst : 先天性総胆管嚢腫
congenital cyst : 先天性嚢胞
corpus luteum cyst : 黄体嚢胞
cyst : 嚢(のう)胞, 嚢腫, 嚢子, チステ
cyst carrier : 嚢子保有者
cyst of Bartholin gland : バルトリン腺嚢胞
cyst of bone : 骨嚢胞
cyst of canal of Nuck : ナック管の嚢胞
cyst of kidney : 腎嚢胞
cyst of pancreas : 膵嚢胞
cyst of papilla palatina : 口蓋乳頭嚢胞
cyst of Rathke pouch : ラトケ嚢嚢胞
cyst of ureter : 尿管嚢腫
dentigerous cyst : 含歯性嚢胞
dermoid cyst : 類皮嚢胞, 皮様嚢腫
dermoid inclusion cyst : 類皮封入嚢腫
echinococcus cyst : 包虫(類表皮)嚢胞
ectopic cyst : 異所性嚢胞
edentulous follicular cyst : 無歯性濾胞性嚢胞
enteric cyst : 消化管嚢胞
epidermal cyst : 表皮嚢胞
epidermoid cyst : 類表皮嚢胞
epididymal cyst : 精巣上体嚢胞
esophageal cyst : 食道嚢胞
excision of cyst : 嚢胞摘除
excision of pancreatic cyst : 膵嚢胞摘除
exudation cyst : 滲出嚢胞
fissural cyst : 顔裂性嚢胞
follicular cyst : 卵胞嚢胞, 毛包嚢胞, 濾胞性歯牙嚢胞
follicular dental cyst : 濾胞性歯嚢胞
gingival cyst : 歯肉嚢胞
globulomaxillary cyst : 球状上顎嚢胞
hemorrhagic bone cyst : 出血性骨嚢胞
Hofrath paradental cyst : ホフラート歯周嚢胞
hydatid cyst : 包虫嚢胞
incisive canal cyst : 切歯管嚢胞
jaw bone cyst : 顎骨嚢胞
Klestadt cyst : クレシュタット嚢胞
lacrimal cyst : 涙嚢胞
latent bone cyst : 潜伏性骨嚢胞
lateral cyst : 根側嚢胞
lateral radicular cyst : 根側性歯根嚢胞
leptomeningeal cyst : くも膜嚢胞
liver cyst : 肝嚢胞
lymphoepithelial cyst : リンパ上皮性嚢胞
median alveolar cyst : 正中歯槽嚢胞
median cyst : 正中嚢胞
median mandibular cyst : 正中下顎嚢胞
median maxillary cyst : 正中上顎嚢胞
median palatal cyst : 正中口蓋嚢胞
mediastinal cyst : 縦隔膿胞
mesenteric cyst : 腸間膜嚢胞
mucous cyst : 粘液嚢胞
mucous cyst of salivary gland : 唾液腺粘液停滞嚢胞
mucous retention cyst : 粘液貯留嚢胞
multilocular follicular dental cyst : 多房性濾胞性歯嚢胞
multilocular residual cyst : 多房性残留嚢胞
multiple cyst : 多発性嚢胞
multiple follicular dental cyst : 多発性濾胞性歯嚢胞
multiple jaw cyst : 多発性顎嚢胞
Nabothian cyst : ナボット嚢胞
nasoalveolar cyst : 鼻歯槽嚢胞
nasovestibular cyst : 鼻前庭嚢胞
nonodontogenic cyst : 非歯原性嚢胞
odontogenic cyst : 歯原性嚢胞
ovarian cyst : 卵巣嚢胞
pancreatic cyst : 膵嚢胞
paradental cyst : 歯周嚢胞
parasitic cyst : 寄生虫嚢胞
parovarian cyst : 副卵巣嚢腫
pericardial cyst : 心膜嚢胞
periosteal cyst : 骨膜性嚢胞
periradicular cyst : 歯根側嚢胞
postoperative buccal cyst : 術後性頬部嚢胞
postoperative maxillary cyst : 術後性上顎嚢胞
pulmonary cyst : 肺嚢胞
radicular cyst : 歯根嚢胞
renal cyst : 腎嚢胞
residual cyst : 残存嚢胞
resin cyst : 樹脂嚢
retention cyst : 停滞嚢胞, 貯留嚢胞
sclerotherapy of cyst : 嚢胞硬化療法
sebaceous cyst : 脂腺嚢胞
seminal cyst : 精液嚢胞
simple bone cyst : 単純性骨嚢胞
solitary bone cyst : 孤立性骨嚢胞
solitary cyst : 孤立嚢胞
static bone cyst : 静止性骨嚢胞
submandibular gland cyst : 顎下腺嚢胞
surgical ciliated cyst : 術後性上顎嚢胞
thymic cyst : 胸腺嚢胞
thyroglossal cyst : 甲状舌管嚢胞
thyroglossal duct cyst : 甲状舌管嚢胞
thyroglossalduct cyst : 甲状舌管嚢胞
tobo-ovarian cyst : 卵管卵巣嚢胞
tonsillar cyst : 扁桃嚢胞
traumatic bone cyst : 外傷性骨嚢胞
tuboovarian cyst : 卵管卵巣嚢胞
urachal cyst : 尿膜管嚢胞

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