Words near each other
・ cystalgia
・ cystathinoninuria
・ cystathionine
・ cystathioninuria
・ cystatrophia
・ cystectasia
・ cystectasis
・ cystectomy
・ Cysteine
・ cysteine
・ cystic adenomatoid malformation of lung
・ cystic adventitial degeneration
・ cystic ameloblastoma
・ cystic breast
・ cystic bronchiectasis
・ cystic carcinoma
・ cystic degeneration
・ cystic diseases of kidney
・ cystic duct

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「 cystic 」を含む部分一致用語の検索リンク〔 36 件 〕

adenoid cystic : 腺様嚢胞癌
adenoid cystic carcinoma : 《医学》腺様癌, 腺様嚢胞がん
congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation : 先天性嚢胞状腺腫様形成異常
congenital cystic disease of lung : 先天性肺嚢胞性疾患
congenital cystic lung : 先天性嚢胞肺
cystic : 嚢胞性
cystic adenomatoid malformation of lung : 肺嚢胞性腺腫様形成異常
cystic adventitial degeneration : 嚢状外膜変性
cystic ameloblastoma : 嚢胞性エナメル上皮腫
cystic breast : 嚢胞性乳腺症
cystic bronchiectasis : 嚢胞状気管支拡張(症)
cystic carcinoma : 嚢胞癌
cystic degeneration : 嚢胞変性
cystic diseases of kidney : 嚢胞性腎疾患
cystic duct : 胆嚢管
cystic fibroadenosis : 嚢胞性線維腺症
cystic fibrosis : 嚢胞性線維症
cystic fibrosis of pancreas : 膵嚢胞性線維症
cystic goiter : 嚢胞性甲状腺腫
cystic kidney : 嚢胞腎
cystic kidney disease : 嚢胞性腎疾患
cystic liver : 嚢胞肝
cystic lung : 嚢胞肺
cystic lymphangioma : 嚢胞性リンパ管腫
cystic medial necrosis : 嚢胞性中膜壊死
cystic odontoma : 嚢胞性歯牙腫
cystic ovarian tumor : 嚢胞性卵巣腫瘍
cystic pulmonary fibrosis : すい嚢胞性繊維炎
cystic pyeloureteritis : 嚢胞性腎盂尿管炎
cystic renal disease : 腎嚢胞性疾患
cystic tumor : 嚢腫
diffuse cystic breast : びまん性嚢胞性乳腺症
fibrous cystic osteitis : 嚢胞性線維性骨炎
fibrous cystic ostitis : 嚢胞性線維性骨炎
inborn cystic pancreas fibrosis : 先天性嚢胞性膵線維症
partial cystic rachischisis : 嚢状部分的脊椎裂

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