Words near each other
・ exchangeable potassium
・ exchangeable sodium
・ exchequer
・ exchondroostosis
・ excimer laser
・ excimer laser coronary angioplasty
・ exciplex
・ excipulum
・ excise
・ excise +1
・ excision enzyme
・ excision for gynecomastia
・ excision of aberrant breast tissue
・ excision of accessory breast tissue
・ excision of accessory spleen
・ excision of adenoma
・ excision of aneurysm
・ excision of bone lesion
・ excision of breast

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excision : ミニ英和和英辞書


「 excision 」を含む部分一致用語の検索リンク〔 56 件 〕

DNA excision : DNAの切出し
endocardial excision : 心内膜切除
excision : 切除(術)
excision enzyme : 除去酵素
excision for gynecomastia : 女性化乳房摘除
excision of aberrant breast tissue : 迷入乳腺摘除
excision of accessory breast tissue : 副乳腺摘除
excision of accessory spleen : 副脾摘除
excision of adenoma : 腺腫摘除
excision of aneurysm : 心室瘤切除
excision of bone lesion : 骨病巣切除
excision of breast : 乳房切除
excision of bursa : 滑液包切除
excision of chest wall : 胸壁病巣切除
excision of cyst : 嚢胞摘除
excision of diverticulum : 憩室切除
excision of DNA : DNAの切除
excision of Dupuytren contracture : デュプイトレン拘縮切除
excision of ectopic parathyroid : 異所性上皮小体摘除
excision of external fistula : 外瘻切除
excision of fistula : 瘻孔切除
excision of hydrocele : 水瘤摘除
excision of intervertebral disk : 椎間板切除
excision of larynx : 喉頭切除
excision of lesion : 病巣切除
excision of lingual thyroid : 舌甲状腺摘除
excision of lingual tonsil : 舌扁桃切除
excision of localized tumor : 限局性腫瘍切除
excision of lung and bronchus : 肺・気管支切除
excision of lymph node : リンパ節摘除
excision of lymphedema : リンパ浮腫切除
excision of nipple : 乳頭切除
excision of palate : 口蓋切除
excision of pancreatic cyst : 膵嚢胞摘除
excision of pelvic tumor : 骨盤腫瘍摘除
excision of peritoneum : 腹膜切除
excision of pilonidal sinus : 毛巣嚢摘除
excision of polyp : ポリープ摘除
excision of pterygium : 翼状片切除
excision of rectal mucosa : 直腸粘膜切除
excision of redundant mucosa : 余剰粘膜切除術
excision of semilunar cartilage of knee : 膝半月板切除
excision of single segment : 単一区域切除
excision of supernumerary breast : 過剰乳腺摘除
excision of thyroglossal tract : 甲状舌管摘除
excision of tonsil tag : 扁桃垂切除
excision of ulcer : 潰瘍切除
excision of urethra : 尿道切除
excision repair : 除去修復
exploratory excision : 診査切除(術), 試(験)切(除)(術)
ligation and excision : 結紮切除
local excision : 局所切除
lymph node excision : リンパ節摘除
radical excision : 根治切除
renal excision : 腎切除
segmental excision of lung : 肺区域切除術

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