haveの過去・過去分詞形 =========================== 「 had 」を含む部分一致用語の検索リンク〔 8 件 〕 ・as I had expected : 期待どおり(に) ・had : haveの過去・過去分詞形 ・had better ~ : ~した方がいい, ~すべきである, ★shouldより強い言い方 ・have not [or never] had a man : (女の人が)男を知らない / / There was a teacher, she was 45 and had never had man. -Newsweek '95 / There was a teacher, she was 45 and had never had man. -Newsweek May '95 ・haven't had a peep out of ~ : haven't heard of, =haven't heard of ~ ・He had the cheek to propose to me. : 彼はずうずうしくも, 私にプロポーズした ・I've had it. : もうお手上げだ ・She had three girls in succession. : 彼女は続けて3人目の子を生んだ スポンサード リンク