Words near each other
・ mitotic
・ mitotic coefficient
・ mitotic cycle
・ mitotic division
・ mitotic index
・ mitotic phase
・ mitotic poison
・ mitotic reduction
・ mitotic segregation
・ mitotic spindle
・ mitral annular calcification
・ mitral annular ring
・ mitral annular ring calcification
・ mitral annuloplasty
・ mitral annulus
・ mitral atresia
・ mitral cell
・ mitral cloft
・ mitral commissurotomy

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mitral : ミニ英和和英辞書


「 mitral 」を含む部分一致用語の検索リンク〔 56 件 〕

acquired mitral regurgitation : 後天性僧帽弁逆流(症)
acute mitral regurgitation : 急性僧帽弁逆流(症)
aneurysm of mitral valve : 僧帽弁瘤
anterolateral commissure of mitral valve : 僧帽弁前交連
anteromedial leaflet of mitral valve : 僧帽弁前中尖
calcification of mitral valve : 僧帽弁石灰化
cartinoid of mitral valve : 僧帽弁カルチノイド
chronic mitral regurgitation : 慢性僧帽弁閉鎖不全(症)
closed mitral commissurotomy : 非直視下僧帽弁交連切開(術)
congenital mitral insufficiency : 先天性僧帽弁閉鎖不全
congenital mitral regurgitation : 先天性僧帽弁閉鎖不全
congenital mitral stenosis : 先天性僧帽弁狭窄
congential mitral stennosis : 先天性僧帽弁狭窄(症)
dysplastic mitral valve : 僧帽弁形成異常
hypoplastic mitral valve : 低形成僧帽弁
mitral : 僧帽弁
mitral annular calcification : 僧帽弁輪部石灰化
mitral annular ring : 僧帽弁輪
mitral annular ring calcification : 僧帽弁輪部石灰化
mitral annuloplasty : 僧帽弁輪形成(術)
mitral annulus : 僧帽弁輪
mitral atresia : 僧帽弁閉鎖(症)
mitral cell : 僧帽細胞
mitral cloft : 僧帽弁裂隙
mitral commissurotomy : 僧帽弁交連切開(術)
mitral configuration : 僧帽弁型(X線像の)
mitral face : 僧帽弁顔貌
mitral insufficiency : 僧帽弁閉鎖不全(症)
mitral opening snap : 僧帽弁開放音
mitral orifice : 僧帽弁口, 左房室口
mitral P : 僧帽性P(波)
mitral regurgitation : 僧帽弁逆流(症)
mitral stenosis : 僧帽弁狭窄(症)
mitral stenosis and insufficiency : 僧帽弁狭窄(兼)閉鎖不全(症)
mitral subvalvular apparatus : 僧帽弁弁下組織
mitral valve : 僧帽弁, 左心房室弁, 二尖弁
mitral valve area : 僧帽弁口面積
mitral valve atresia : 僧帽弁閉鎖(症)
mitral valve calcification : 僧帽弁石灰化
mitral valve disease : 僧帽弁(膜)疾患
mitral valve fibrosis : 僧帽弁線維(症)
mitral valve prolapse : 僧帽弁逸脱(症)
mitral valve replacement : 僧帽弁置換術
mitral valveloplasty : 僧帽弁形成術
mitral valvular disease : 僧帽弁膜症
open mitral commissurotomy : 直視下僧帽弁交連切開術
perforation of mitral valve : 僧帽弁穿孔
posterior leaflet of mitral valve : 僧帽弁後尖
posterolateral leaflet of mitral valve : 僧帽弁後側尖
posteromedial commissure of mitral valve : 僧帽弁後交連
prolapse of mitral valve : 僧帽弁逸脱(症)
rheumatic mitral regurgitation : リウマチ(性)僧帽弁逆流(症)
rheumatic mitral stenosis : リウマチ性僧帽弁狭窄(症)
rupture of anterior loaflet of mitral valve : 僧帽弁前尖断裂
rupture of posterior leaflet of mitral valve : 僧帽弁後尖断裂
valvuloplasty of mitral valve : 僧帽弁形成(術)

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