Words near each other
・ would-be
・ would-be artist
・ would-be author
・ would-be gentleman
・ would-be ironical
・ would-be joke
・ would-be poet
・ would-be suicide
・ wouldn't
・ wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole
・ wound +1
・ wound contraction
・ wound dystrophia
・ wound dystrophy
・ wound healing
・ wound paddy
・ wound periderm
・ wound respiration
・ wound shock

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wound : ミニ英和和英辞書

【動詞】1.windの過去・過去分詞形 【名詞】創傷

「 wound 」を含む部分一致用語の検索リンク〔 50 件 〕

aseptic wound : 無菌外傷
bite wound : 咬傷(創)
chop wound : 割創
closed wound : 閉鎖創
contaminated wound : 汚染創
contused wound : 挫傷, 打撲傷
crush wound : 圧挫創
dead wound : 致命傷
death wound : 致命傷
entrance wound : 射入口
exit wound : 射出口
explosion wound : 爆創
fatal wound : 致命傷
fresh wound : 新鮮創
gunshot wound : 射創
healing of wound : 創傷治癒
heavy wound : (a ~)ひどい傷
incision wound : 切創
lacerated wound : 裂傷
mortal wound : 致命傷
open wound : 開放性損傷
operative wound : 手術創
perforating wound : 穿孔創
primary healing of wound : 一次創傷治癒
punctured wound : 刺創
reopening wound : 創部再開放
scratched wound : 掻爬創
secondary healing of wound : 二次創傷治癒
serious wound : 重傷
severe wound : 重傷
slight wound : 軽傷
stab wound : 刺創
suppurating wound : 化膿外傷
tooth extraction wound : 抜歯創
vertical wound : 縦傷
war wound : 戦傷
wound : 【動詞】1.windの過去・過去分詞形 【名詞】創傷
wound +1 : 1.外傷, 傷, 2.傷つける, 傷を負わせる
wound contraction : 創面収縮
wound dystrophia : 外傷性ジストロフィ(ー)(異栄養(症))
wound dystrophy : 外傷性ジストロフィ(ー)(異栄養(症))
wound healing : 創傷治癒
wound paddy : 傷もみ
wound periderm : 傷害周皮
wound respiration : 傷害呼吸
wound shock : 外傷性ショック
wound substance : 傷害物質
wound suture : 創縫合
wound tissue : 傷害組織
wound to the quick : 非常に怒る◆the quick=体の中で最も痛みを感じやすいところ, つまり, 急所

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