Kaposi's sarcoma =========================== ・ カポジ肉腫 : [かぽじにくしゅ] (n) Kaposi's sarcoma ・ 肉 : [にく] 【名詞】 1. meat ・ 腫 : [しゅ] 1. (n-suf) tumor 2. tumour ・ 特発 : [とくはつ] 1. (n,vs) special (additional) train 2. idiopathy ・ 発 : [はつ] 1. (n,suf) (1) departure 2. (2) beginning 3. (3) issued by (e.g., document) 4. (4) counter for gunshots ・ 多 : [た] 1. (n,pref) multi- ・ 多発 : [たはつ] 1. (n,vs) repeated occurrence ・ 多発性 : [たはつせい] 【名詞】 1. multiple 2. poly- ・ 出 : [で] 1. (n,n-suf) outflow 2. coming (going) out 3. graduate (of) 4. rising (of the sun or moon) 5. one's turn to appear on stage ・ 出血 : [しゅっけつ] 1. (n,vs) bleeding 2. haemorrhage 3. hemorrhage ・ 血 : [けつ, ち] 【名詞】 1. blood 2. consanguinity スポンサード リンク