===================================== 〔語彙分解〕的な部分一致の検索結果は以下の通りです。 ・ 仕 : [し] 【名詞】 1. official 2. civil service ・ 仕切る : [しきる] 1. (v5r) to partition 2. to divide 3. to mark off 4. to settle accounts 5. to toe the mark ・ 切 : [せつ] 1. (adj-na,n) eager 2. earnest 3. ardent 4. kind 5. keen 6. acute ・ 切る : [きる] 【動詞】 1. to cut 2. to chop 3. to hash 4. to carve 5. to saw 6. to clip 7. to shear 8. to slice 9. to strip 10. to fell 1 1. to cut down 12. to punch 13. to sever (connections) 14. to pause 15. to break off 16. to disconnect 17. to turn off 18. to hang up 19. to cross (a street) 20. to discount 2 1. to sell below cost 22. to shake (water) off 23. to finish 24. to be through 25. to complete スポンサード リンク