1. (v5t) to keep 2. to preserve 3. to hold 4. to retain 5. to maintain 6. to support 7. to sustain 8. to last 9. to endure 10. to keep well (food) 1 1. to wear well 12. to be durable 1 =========================== ・ 保 : [ほ] 1. (n,vs) guarantee ・ 保つ : [たもつ] 1. (v5t) to keep 2. to preserve 3. to hold 4. to retain 5. to maintain 6. to support 7. to sustain 8. to last 9. to endure 10. to keep well (food) 1 1. to wear well 12. to be durable 1
=========================== 「 保つ 」を含む部分一致用語の検索リンク( 3 件 ) 保つ 命を保つ 平和を保つ スポンサード リンク