===================================== 〔語彙分解〕的な部分一致の検索結果は以下の通りです。 ・ 優 : [ゆう] 1. (adj-na,n) actor 2. superiority 3. gentleness ・ 優等 : [ゆうとう] 1. (adj-na,n) (academic) excellence 2. superiority ・ 優等生 : [ゆうとうせい] 【名詞】 1. honor student 2. honours student ・ 等 : [など] 1. (suf) and others 2. et alia 3. etc. (ら) ・ 生 : [せい, なま] 1. (adj-na,n,adj-no) (1) draft (beer) 2. draught 3. (2) raw 4. unprocessed ・ 以上 : [いじょう] 1. (n-adv,n-t) more than 2. exceeding 3. greater than 4. this is all 5. over 6. above 7. and up 8. beyond 9. the above-mentioned 10. since 1 1. as long as 12. the end 1 ・ 上 : [じょう] (n,pref,suf) 1. first volume 2. superior quality 3. governmental 4. imperial 5. top 6. best 7. high class 8. going up 9. presenting 10. showing 1 1. aboard a ship or vehicle 12. from the standpoint of 13. as a matter of (fact) 13. superior ・ ー : [ちょうおん] (n) long vowel mark (usually only used in katakana) ・ 未 : [ひつじ, み, いま(だ)] 【名詞】 1. not yet ・ 未満 : [みまん] 1. (n-suf) less than 2. insufficient ・ 俺 : [おれ] 【名詞】 1. I (ego) (boastful first-person pronoun) スポンサード リンク