IA =========================== ・ 免 : [めん] (n) dismissal ・ 免疫 : [めんえき] 【名詞】 1. immunity 2. immunization 3. immunisation ・ 付 : [ふ] 1. (n,vs) giving to 2. submitting to 3. refer to 4. affix 5. append ・ 付着 : [ふちゃく] 【名詞・形容詞】 1. sticking to 2. clinging to 3. adhesion 4. cohesion 5. agglutination, adherence, adherence ・ 着 : [ちゃく] 1. (n,suf) (1) counter for suits of clothing 2. (2) arriving at .. ・ 反 : [はん, たん] 1. (n,vs,n-pref) anti- 2. opposite 3. antithesis 4. antagonism ・ 反応 : [はんのう] 1. (n,vs) reaction 2. response スポンサード リンク