(v5r) to clear up =========================== ・ 晴れ : [はれ] 【名詞】 1. clear weather ・ 晴れ上がる : [はれあがる] (v5r) to clear up ・ 上 : [じょう] (n,pref,suf) 1. first volume 2. superior quality 3. governmental 4. imperial 5. top 6. best 7. high class 8. going up 9. presenting 10. showing 1 1. aboard a ship or vehicle 12. from the standpoint of 13. as a matter of (fact) 13. superior ・ 上がる : [あがる] 1. (v5r) (1) to enter 2. to go up 3. to rise 4. to climb up 5. to advance 6. to appreciate 7. to be promoted 8. to improve 9. to call on 10. to be offered 1 1. to accrue 12. (2) to be finished 13. to go bankrupt 14. to be caught 15. to let up (rain) 16. (3) to weaken (as a battery) 17. (4) to get ruffled 1 スポンサード リンク