(v1) to send =========================== ・ 送り : [おくり] 【名詞】 1. seeing off 2. sending off 3. funeral ・ 送り付ける : [おくりつける] (v1) to send ・ 付 : [ふ] 1. (n,vs) giving to 2. submitting to 3. refer to 4. affix 5. append ・ 付け : [づけ] 1. (n-suf,pref,suf) dated 2. date 3. fixed 4. external ・ 付ける : [つける] 【動詞】 1. to attach 2. to join 3. to add 4. to append 5. to affix 6. to stick 7. to glue 8. to fasten 9. to sew on 10. to apply (ointment) 1 1. to furnish (a house with) 12. to wear 13. to put on 14. to keep a diary 15. to make an entry 16. to appraise 17. to set (a price) 18. to bring alongside 19. to place (under guard or doctor) 20. to follow 2 1. to shadow 22. to load 23. to give (courage to) 24. to keep (an eye on) 25. to establish (relations or understanding) スポンサード リンク