(n) rule prohibiting match-ups between sumo wrestlers from the same stable =========================== ・ 部屋 : [へや] 【名詞】 1. (1) room 2. (2) sumo stable ・ 部屋別総当り : [へやべつそうあたり] (n) rule prohibiting match-ups between sumo wrestlers from the same stable ・ 別 : [べつ] 1. (adj-na,n,n-suf) distinction 2. difference 3. different 4. another 5. particular 6. separate 7. extra 8. exception ・ 総 : [そう] 1. (n,pref) whole 2. all 3. general 4. gross ・ 当り : [あたり] 1. (n-adv,n) hit 2. success 3. reaching the mark 4. per .. 5. vicinity 6. neighborhood 7. neighbourhood スポンサード リンク